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Author: Chad Green - page 2

Chad Green

Chad has been driving a truck for over 10 years. During this time, traveled to the United States up and down.
Knows everything about trucks and cargo transportation.
Cooperates with logitydispatch.com for two years. During this time, thanks to us, he traveled more than 200,000 miles and transported more than 5,000,000 tons of cargo.
He likes to write articles and maintains his own blog.

skills for truck driver

Truck Driver Skills

24 Dec 2021
Chad Green

If you want to be a truck driver, you just need to know how to drive a truck, right? Wrong. There are actually a number of skills needed to be a professional truck driver.

ice road truckers most dangerous roads

How Dangerous is Ice Road Trucking?

16 Nov 2021
Chad Green

Freezing temperatures and extreme winter weather combine to make travel dangerous on regular throughways. Add in the pressure of hearing ice cracking beneath your rig as you drive, and it can be a terrifying experience.

Child in Truck

Can a Child Ride in a Commercial Truck?

05 Oct 2021
Chad Green

Missing out on that quality in-person time with your kids is one of the worst aspects of a trucking job, which is why one of the most frequently asked questions a new truck driver has is, “Can I let my child ride in my truck?".

trucks name

The Best Names for Trucks: Selecting the Perfect Option for Your Vehicle

14 Sept 2021
Chad Green

Choosing the right name for a truck is important. Good trucking names truly reflect the personality of your vehicle and can help you foster a great connection with something that is far more than just a form of transport.

how to lose weight being a truck driver

What Do Truck Drivers Eat on the Road

06 Aug 2021
Chad Green

Truck drivers eat a lot of food that probably is not good for them (or their health). Eating while on the road is challenging for many reasons, least of all because of a lack of space for storing and preparing healthful meals.

best hotshot trucks with sleepers

The Best Sleeper Trucks for Your Life on the Road

05 July 2021
Chad Green

When you spend your life on the road, good sleep is absolutely crucial. Whether you're an owner-operator or a company driver with a regular vehicle, the truck you drive across the country soon becomes your home on wheels.